Oral & Dental Health 2015

2nd World Congress on Oral & Dental Health 2015

  • du 03/11/2015
  • au 04/11/2015

After the success of the first edition held on May 2014 in Paris, the scientific committee decided to organize the 2nd World Congress on Oral & Dental Health 2015 which will be held in Paris, on November 3-4, 2015.

This second world congress will be dedicated to sciences & innovations in oral and dental health.

The objectives of the Paris Oral & Dental Health 2015 are to highlight the latest scientific advances, and present the recent innovations in the field of dental and oral health.

Among the sessions which will be discussed during Oral & Dental Health 2015:

Market of Oral & dental Health:Overview & Perspectives

Regulatory Affairs & Communication on Health Benefits

Cosmetics : The New Regulation & Claims

Medical Devices :The Regulation, performances, perspectives & Borderline cases

Oral & Dental Pathologies

Halitosis : Innovations in Mouthwash Products

Carie : Innovations & Strategies

Technologies & Innovations In Oral & Dental Health

New Technologies in Oral & Dental Health : 3D & Connected Devices

New Generation of materials

Restorative Surgery

Salivary Biomarkers

Oral Microbiota, Oral & Dental Health

Can we Used Oral Microbiota as a Predictive Biomarker ?

Can we Modified Diversity & Quality of Oral Microbiota ?

Innovation in Oral & Dental Care

Toothpaste & Toothbrush

Teeth Whitening

Chewing Gum

Oral Beauty : Veneers

Fonctionnal ingredients & Dental Health : Antioxidant, Antibacterial & Antinflammatory

Pet, Oral & Dental Care Products : Dog, Cat & Others

Oral & Dental Health From Babies, Children to Senior

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