Assistant Doctor

  • Lieu: Toute la France
  • Poste(s) recherché(s): Ophtalmologie CHIRURGIE OPHTALMOLOGISTE
  • Publiée: 11/01/2021


Ophthalmology resident at Misrata Medical Center [ 07/04/2015 – Current ]
City: Misrata
Country: Libya
• assessing and examining patients in order to make a diagnosis;
• operating equipment such as ophthalmoscopes, slit lamps and lenses;
• making high-level judgements due to the complexities of ophthalmic conditions;
• communicating and empathising with patients and family members;
• management of ophthalmic conditions, taking into account both medical and psychological aspects of patient
• educating patients to understand their medical condition;
• supporting health promotion and disease prevention activities.

Arab Board of Ophthalmology Examination part 1
The Arab Board of Health Specializations [ 2018 ]

Libyan Board Of Ophthalmology Examination part 1
The Libya Board of Medical specialities [ 2017 ]

The Basic Science Examination in Ophthalmology
International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) [ 2017 ]

The Optic and Refraction Examination in Ophthalmology
International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) [ 2017 ]

Misrata University [ 2014 ]

Experience Professionnelle

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